
On these occasions all are welcome, experienced and new players alike. Game types depends on the group, but usually a bit more advanced. You may bring your own paintballs. We’ll fire up the grill for the lunch break.

  • Walkon fee: 50kr
  • Complete rental package: 100kr
  • 500 paintballs: Starting at 115kr

Game dates 2024

2024-08-04  10:00-15:00   Paintball Camp with Andy!
2024-08-04  11:00-15:00   Walkon
2024-08-11  10:00-15:00   Paintball Camp with Andy!
2024-09-08  11:00-15:00   Walkon
2024-10-06  11:00-15:00   Walkon
2024-11-03  11:00-15:00   Walkon

Let us know if you’re coming. You’ll also find the event on Facebook.